• Town crier

    A bunch of new content for GURPS, etc.

    I’ve added a lot of new content over the past few months. “Yeah, I can see that. I mean, I’m here, on the site…” Right. And thank you. But I’m posting this for the benefit of the RSS feed. A few words about the feed, for the interested only, follow the header below. For now, here’s an update in the form of a TL; DR version, as of late September 2023: The normal, expected RSS feed for this site, http://www.gamesdiner.com/feed/ , should work fine now. That’s all. The rest of this page might be of modest interest to blog managers only. The gripe! Out of old habit, I use the…

  • twitter birds in cage in style of medieval art

    Caged: A year of GURPS and DFRPG tweets

    From February 1, 2022 to January 31, 2023, I made daily entries to the @gamesdiner Twitter account, using the hashtags #TRPG, #GURPS, and #DailyHouserule. The concept: Make tweets out of a bunch of minor GURPS houserule items, GM/player advice tidbits, and other tips & tricks, to have fun engaging with other gamers and get the #GURPS tag out there more. (See the initial announcement here.) How many tweets in all? 365 entries, one or several posts per entry… I don’t know, but probably over a thousand tweets. Released into the wild over the course of a year, they’ve now been rounded up and caged at the Games Diner, a page for each month. Birds of a feather they are…

  • general

    Games Diner site updates

    I often update old material with additions and corrections. Notifications appear on this page, your one-stop destination to see what’s new (i.e., how little has changed. : / ) You’ll find a link to this page under the “Diner Stuff” menu at top. Navigation Edits by date (going back to 2017 or so) 2025-03-21: GLAIVE Mini: Weapon Builder System for GURPS: Added a bit of commentary on building the monk’s spade – particularly, the idea of treating it as balanced. 2025-03-10: Dungeon Fantasy: The Musical! (feat. Bards): In the section on magic, added a long-forgotten wish for a bespoke bardic spell list, not simply spells from selected colleges. Or even…

  • Uncategorized


    This is an old list of links. I’ll mostly be placing outbound links in the sidebar from here on out, but this page remains to point to a few miscellaneous items. (There are now so many sites, video channels, etc. etc. out there now that the concept itself of a links page is outdated.) Please let me know of good gaming-related sites that should be added, using the contact form. (Sorry, I turned off the comment function on this page; it gets heavily bombarded by spammers.)  Oh, one small request to webmasters of older sites: There are still some sites out there rocking links to my old ancient domain, io.com. Please…

  • Town crier


    The site is mostly reborn. The new platform (WordPress) presents many advantages – and clumsy weaknesses as well. One of note: the platform’s silly segregation of (blog) posts vs (non-blog) pages creates hassles, but I’m working through them. Many old bits (no-longer-relevant announcements, ancient polls, newsletter content, etc.) have been dropped. Forums are missing (if they’re to be restored, that’s a separate big job). User registration is inactive (and unneeded?). Old comments are generally intact, but a few may have gone AWOL. Page view counters are nuked entirely. (Kind of too bad; some pages had many tens of thousands of hits.) The “Related Posts” feature may or may not remain…

  • Uncategorized


    General “about” stuff Where you are now This is T Bone’s Games Diner, the latest incarnation of a hoary old site. Purpose and/or slogan Dilettante Game Design and More: Role-playing game goodies for GURPS and other games. (But mostly GURPS and its offspring like Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game.) RSS Feed Should you wish to follow the feed, add the site to your blogroll, or do similar wacky things, the below should work as the feed for all content (WordPress posts and pages alike): http://www.gamesdiner.com/categories/general/feed If you prefer a feed of GURPS (and DFRPG) material only, try this: http://www.gamesdiner.com/?tag=GURPS,DFRPG&feed=rss Other ways to keep up to date You can also keep up to date…

  • general

    Away and back again

    Ack. I’ve been away from the website for over a month (and from posting anything at all for a long time); I’ve been away from the usual online haunts for at least that long, and even away from gaming for that long. Such is the busy life. (“You call that living!?”) First, a big thanks to a few kind souls who wrote to tell me that there was a problem with the Games Diner main page not displaying properly. Yep, there was trouble, and I think it’s fixed now. Again, thank you! If the site doesn’t work at any time, Dear Readers, please let me know – it’s much appreciated.…