• general

    Game design musing: ST schemes

    Log ST. You know, ST schemes under which every +X points of ST equate to some multiple of lifting power. This might be x2 lifting power per +5 ST, per HERO System, in which case ST 15 lifts twice as much as ST 10, and ST 105 lifts twice as much as ST 100. Log ST was the choice for the original superhero game that became HERO, and is often suggested as a great fix for GURPS‘ (sometimes alleged) troubles with four-color action. But could it work in GURPS? Here are some recent emails and forum postings on the topic follow. (My text is in black.) An email You state…

  • general

    Ingredients for a better GURPS

    The 2002 GURPS Diner article, brought into the new Games Diner site. One gamer geek’s wish list for a new GURPS 4e. This is a pretty straightforward HTML paste into the new site. Sorry, don’t expect much from the copious internal links. If you want to see the original article with its links intact, head to www.gamesdiner.com/gurps/old/improvements.htm . And if you want to see how well 4e fulfilled the wish list, read the follow-up to this article: The New GURPS Delivers… Or Does It?. One Fanboy’s 4e Wishlist I’ve worked long on GULLIVER and other house rules, suggesting dozens of options and rules tweaks for gamers with the inclination to…