I often update old material with additions and corrections. Notifications appear on this page, your one-stop destination to see what’s new (i.e., how little has changed. : / ) You’ll find a link to this page under the “Diner Stuff” menu at top.
- Edits by date (going back to 2017 or so)
- Edits by article (going back to 2017 or so)
- New content (from 2021) (Or just head here to see all content listed!)
Edits by date (going back to 2017 or so)
2025-03-27: Game design musing: Meeting weapon ST requirements (GURPS/DFRPG): Slight rewording to clarify that the humongous club is a two-handed weapon. (Which further highlights the weirdness of rules that proclaim Mamie Q’s BL 88 too weak to wield the club even with two hands…)
2025-03-21: GLAIVE Mini: Weapon Builder System for GURPS: Added a bit of commentary on building the monk’s spade β particularly, the idea of treating it as balanced.
2025-03-10: Dungeon Fantasy: The Musical! (feat. Bards): In the section on magic, added a long-forgotten wish for a bespoke bardic spell list, not simply spells from selected colleges. Or even a wholly new approach to bardic magic, not based on wizardly magic.
2025-02-20: Game design musing: New Damage for ST (GURPS): Added downloadable spreadsheet versions of the new damage table.
2025-02-16: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Upgraded the ranges of the mini and light throwing darts to x1/x2 and x1.5/x2.5, a bit closer to the regular throwing dart’s impressive range.
2025-01-28: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: A new weapon: the mini throwing dart! (Smaller than even the light throwing dart, the mini is still bigger than a pub dart β if not by much.)
2025-01-26: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added lots of unanswered questions to the end of the page. With many more still to come.
2025-01-24: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: A new weapon: the light javelin! This spindly spear is modeled after the slim weapons used by hunters of small game. Stats cover melee, thrown, and spear-thrower use.
2025-01-18: GURPS Metric: Added a download link for the original .xhtml file, missing since… oh, 2007. How’s that for customer service?
2025-01-17: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added very short note on whether the short combat shovel might better use sw cut/cr dam, not sw+1 cut/cr.
2024-10-13: GURPS Range Ruler launched on Warehouse 23!: Added tips and tricks on going hex-free with the Range Ruler.
2024-10-13: Books we want: An updated GURPS LITE: A light refresh, mainly to add short thoughts at the end on what LITE even means for a game-building toolbox.
2024-10-12: STROLL: ST rolls that work in GURPS: Added a brief look at how the STROLL Table isn’t even necessary; any ST Roll is easy to calculate on the fly. (See “Go Table-free!” in Appendix 2.)
2024-10-02: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added a small handful of trivial rules items to discussion of differences between DFRPG and GURPS.
2024-09-22: Star Frontiers to GURPS 4e conversion notes: Big clean-up of outgoing links; light refreshing of text.
2024-09-02: Summary of ways to handle power-vs-weight in GURPS creatures: Light update (no substantial changes).
2024-08-27: Now in Pyramid: GURPS Combat Options from the Games Diner: Updated links within the article (including link to the Pyramid issue in question).
2024-08-24: GURPS Range Ruler launched on Warehouse 23!: Updated link (change from old e23.com to warehouse23.com); added links to external sources of info on the Range Ruler.
2024-08-14: A modest proposal: Friendlier character trait blocks in GURPS: Added a proposal for more useful blocks of monster (or other NPC/critter) traits (see “Sizing up the competition”).
2024-08-02: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added short Q&A on where to buy all DFRPG products.
2024-07-28: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added question on whether silver-coated weapons negate werewolf DR.
2024-07-18: Game design musing: Meeting weapon ST requirements (GURPS/DFRPG): Added an Appendix with another example of oddities under the rules as written.
2024-07-17: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added list of links to those hard-to-find extra characters, spells, etc. published early in DFRPG‘s life.
2024-07-15: The Talented Thief: Stealing the Spotlight in GURPS and DFRPG: Added suggestion for thieves: focus on grenades, nets, and other weapons that don’t rely on high ST-powered damage.
2024-06-08: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added short notes on building a 2-lb light mace, and on a consistent naming scheme for axe, pick, and mace variants.
2024-04-12: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New technique-based advantages: Fixed the Booster advantage to improve “ST rolls”, not “ST-based Climbing rolls.”
2024-03-12: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New technique-based advantages: Added many new advantages: Booster, Pack Runner, Flail-Safe Block, Flail-Safe Parry, Deer Walker, Firestarter, Trackless, Closing Speaker, and Tactical Hand Signaler.
2024-03-10: GLAIVE Mini: Weapon Builder System for GURPS: More worked-out weapon builds (two-handed axes, two-handed swords, jo, etc.) and associated commentary.
2024-02-07: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added notes on differences between DFRPG and GURPS, note on DFRPG errata, and supremely trivial note on style (FYI, official style is “the DFRPG“, not my insistent “DFRPG“).
2023-12-22: GLAIVE Mini: Weapon Builder System for GURPS: No change to the PDF, but the web page’s Appendix gets more weapon builds, ideas for potential new mods, and other commentary.
2023-12-02: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New technique-based advantages: Added new Fall Guy advantage and many new riding- and mounted combat-related advantages. Also organized advantages into categories for easier selection.
2023-12-02: GLAIVE Mini: Weapon Builder System for GURPS: Updated GLAIVE Mini to v2.4. The change: The Modifier Table now divides its mods into logical categories (Balance, Length, etc.), making the right mods easier to spot and apply. Also updated the GLAIVE Mini webpage with an Appendix that lists some new GLAIVE (re)designs and potential future changes to the system.
2023-11-20: Rules Bit (GURPS): Grazes: Added the nitpicking observation that the rule’s suggested +2 resistance against non-damage effects on a grazing hit could be changed to +3 to match the p. B378 bonus to resist similar effects when Half Damage range is an issue.
2023-11-13: Dumping out the loot sack: More rules and tools for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy thieves: Added short bit noting that “Combat Writ Large”, Pyramid 3/77 addresses some aspects of the business of climbing up big beasts.
2023-10-12: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: The table heading SPEAR THROWER was mislabeled THROWN WEAPON (AXE/MACE). Oops. Fixed.
2023-10-07: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added short note on Code of Honor as an interesting topic to cover in a Power-Ups book on player-defined mental constraints.
2023-10-01: Dumping out the loot sack: More rules and tools for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy thieves: Moved all technique-based power-ups to their own new page, GURPS/DFRPG resource: New technique-based advantages.
2023-09-19: GURPS resource: New techniques: Added Blade Sharpening technique.
2023-09-19: GURPS resource: New techniques: Added Tumbling technique.
2023-09-17: GURPS resource: New techniques: Added Animal Walk technique.
2023-09-16: GURPS resource: New Talents: Created an entry for an earlier-suggested revised version of Pickaxe Penchant (adding Polearm to Pickaxe Penchant, and moving Prospecting to a separate Talent focused on IQ-based crafting and mining).
2023-09-03: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Clarified details of sling/prodd ammo and the Balanced and Fine mods.
2023-09-03: Daily Houserule tweets: January 2023: Clarified details of sling/prodd ammo and the Balanced and Fine mods.
2023-08-13: GURPS resource: New techniques: Added lots of techniques.
2023-08-05: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New perks: Added Bestial Wariness perk.
2023-08-02: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): In wishes for the Dungeon Fantasy line, noted that a) the wished-for Thieves book has dropped, and that b) a book on gear and services would be the perfect place to outline what agents, fences, smugglers, and the like would charge PCs for their services.
2023-07-23: A mini review: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves: Added note on the tendency for backstabs to become swings in Dungeon Fantasy.
2023-06-27: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added note on using sling stones as ammo for prodds.
2023-06-19: Books we want: How to Be a GURPS Player: Added link to an example of a nice one-page fan resource for onboarding new players, The GURPSICLE (A One-Page GURPS Game Aid / Cheat Sheet).
2023-06-15: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added thrust attack options to combat shovels.
2023-06-11: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: More combat shovels! Folding ones, too! Also, ST for a spear used two-handed was wrong. Fixed.
2023-06-07: Game design musing: Notes on ST in GURPS: Added to list of ways ST is unlike other attributes (affinity for fractional scores, etc.).
2023-06-04: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Boosted max range for atlatl-hurled arrows and bolts by a bit. Added note on the pointlessness of the blackjack as a weapon. A bigger change: On weapon tables, when entries follow some logical order (like Light Throwing Dart, Throwing Dart, and Heavy Throwing Dart), I’m using that order instead of strict alphabetical order. Sorry, I just prefer it that way.
2023-06-03: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: New crossbows: the light crossbow and the one-handed pocket crossbow! Plus many related notes on crossbow ST, number of hands, conversion to prodds, and more.
2023-06-02: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: The new melee heavy pick should be 4 lbs, not 5 lbs (it’s based on the 4-lb axe). Fixed.
2023-05-30: Game design musing: New Damage for ST (GURPS): A substantial update to, and renaming of, the old “Rules Bit: New Damage for ST”. Revised with less cruft, more important stuff, and prettier tables.
2023-05-29: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added more one-handed pick sizes for melee β plus throwing picks!
2023-05-18: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added specific wish for more monster class books in the Dungeon Fantasy Monsters series.
2023-05-15: STROLL: ST rolls that work in GURPS: The discussion on weight-related mods to rolls referred to “Weight Mod” as “ST Mod” in a couple of spots. Fixed.
2023-05-13: Rules Bit (GURPS): A Better Cost for ST and HP: A pretty big update, featuring spiffy new tables and the removal of much detritus.
2023-05-04: STROLL: ST rolls that work in GURPS: STROLL gets a new table! I added a table showing ST Roll and ST Mod (which is just ST Roll – 10, but hey, sometimes you don’t feel like doing even that much math in your head). I also enhanced the example of using Weight Mod and ST Mod to modify a skill (Stealth).
2023-04-27: STROLL: ST rolls that work in GURPS: In section on using STROLL to measure wielder ST against weapon ST, added note on whether to use Striking ST or Lifting ST.
2023-04-25: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added thoughts on the potential content of a future Companion 4 for DFRPG.
2023-04-22: Rules Bit (GURPS): Grazes: Major update to this old rules option. I set simpler conditions for determining a grazing blow, simplified basic effects, added new optional effects, and expanded discussion of how the rule deliberately creates effects different from those of a low damage roll or the cinematic “flesh wounds” option.
2023-04-20: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Updated links to resources detailing the differences between GURPS and DFRPG.
2023-04-14: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added notes and a table for thrown sticks, covering the existing boomerang and throwing stick plus two new options: thrown baton/short staff and thrown unshaped stick.
2023-04-13: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added wish for more figures for DFRPG (especially figures for all published monsters), and thoughts on the odd incompatibility between map and counter sizes in DFRPG/GURPS and in TFT.
2023-03-13: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added info to Is Defending Weapon/Shield enchantment a really bad deal compared to a Deflect enchantment? and moved it to answered questions.
2023-01-22: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents: Added the Talents Dwarfcraft, Gnaturally Gifted, Gnomish Siege Engineer, and Homebody, and suggested a revised Widget-Worker Talent.
2023-01-16: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Changed cost of light harpoon from $50 to $55. Suggested general procedure for converting existing thrown spear weapons into harpoons: Start with existing stats, limit Acc to 2, add $10 for barb and tether, and change skill to Thrown Weapon (Harpoon).
2022-12-04: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents: Added the Feline Grace Talent.
2022-12-01: The Talented Thief: Stealing the Spotlight in GURPS and DFRPG: Added note on the ease of improving thieves’ combat skills for just a few points.
2022-08-29: Game design musing: Simplifying ST-based thrust and swing damage (GURPS): Added notes on how the article’s idea does away with unequal thrust-vs-swing damage bonuses for traits like Weapon Master and Power Blow.
2022-08-06: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Do the active defense scores of published DFRPG characters have shield DB figured in?
2022-07-25: Dungeon Dining: Exotic Eats and Remarkable Rations for Fantasy Travelers: Added notes on which foods are “special order” goods.
2022-07-18: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added notes on atlatl dart stats.
2022-07-16: What’s interesting about roleplaying games: Added thought on whether the development of RPGs was “inevitable.”
2022-06-09: Rules Bit (GURPS): Throw Like You Mean It: Added note on Uwe Hohn’s famous javelin throw, and note that boosting distance for skill makes sense for Bolas, Lasso, Sling, and Spear Thrower skills, in addition to Throwing and Thrown Weapon skills.
2022-05-28: Game design musing: Meeting weapon ST requirements (GURPS/DFRPG): Added notes on how the rule would affect pre-generated characters from DFRPG Companion 3.
2022-04-05: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added heavy saber, giving users of Saber skill a second weapon (with a bit more punch).
2022-04-05: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Suggested specific times for normal and hurried weapon envenoming.
2022-04-02: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added wish for book of gear for DFRPG.
2022-03-09: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added wish for books of maps, for both GURPS and DFRPG.
2022-02-19: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Answered question about whether a caster knows the cost to cast Command (Spirits) in advance. (In short: The question was misguided, and the right answer would seem to be “yes, of course.”)
2022-02-18: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents: Removed Reaction Bonus and mention of Alternate Benefit from Underworldly talent; those aren’t proper DFRPG components for talent-based advantages of this sort.
2022-01-15: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents: Broke off the Underworld Gift variant designed for use with GURPS Underground Adventures, turning it into the unique talent Underground Adventurer. (That makes three underground talents: Underworld Gift for GURPS, Underground Adventurer for GURPS with Underground Adventures, and Underworldly for DFRPG.)
2022-01-06: Game design musing: Meeting weapon ST requirements (GURPS/DFRPG): Added note that repricing Striking ST to [4] means changing the cost of DFRPG‘s Mantis Strike; suggested related tweaks to the trait.
2021-11-02: Rules Bit (GURPS): New Damage for ST: Updated Designer’s notes to address later article Game design musing: GURPS swing vs thrust damage: Whatβs the difference?, which explores the topic of an ideal ratio of sw to thr damage.
2021-10-06: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: Added more Q&A. (Several un-noted updates exist before this as well.)
2021-09-07: Swarm of observations: Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Added observation on the value of carving knives from karkadann horns.
2021-08-31: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: What are the differences between DFRPG and GURPS?
2021-08-17: DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!: How can I shoot 2+ arrows at once?
2021-08-17: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added new light throwing dart, for hand-held and atlatl use. Added notes on spear throwers and Bulk.
2021-08-10: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Noted that Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 4: Two-Page Dungeons has addressed one wish with the delivery of five mini dungeons.
2021-08-10: Books we want: An updated GURPS LITE: The current version of LITE carries a date of March 2020 – a big jump forward from the then-current 2004 edition that I based this article on! That said, I don’t see any actual difference in the content, at least for any of the topics addressed. As of now, all of my wishes for LITE remain unchanged.
2021-07-22: A modest proposal: Friendlier character trait blocks in GURPS: Added notes (toward end) on making other content β namely, lists of modifiers β easier to scan.
2021-07-15: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Expanded thoughts on Two-Handed Axe/Mace skill and saber weapons β including the idea of a heavy saber that falls between the saber and cavalry saber.
2021-07-12: DFRPG resource: Wizardly Spell List: Added thoughts on the worthiness of Magery 0 discount spellcasters.
2021-07-09: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added additional thoughts on a few weapons and weapon skills that arguably fall short of alternatives.
2021-06-07: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added thoughts on katanas.
2021-05-13: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added light maul.
2021-05-10: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents: Added Closer to Hell talent.
2021-05-07: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added idea for Banestorm: Introduce a new continent or other new realms in an updated book.
2021-03-14: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Reduced damage for a thrown arrow to thr-3 imp, upon realizing that my earlier thr-2 imp made the spike shuriken nearly obsolete.
2021-02-18: RPG reality check: Are falls deadly enough in GURPS?: Further edited article to emphasize +100% damage as the pro-realism solution.
2021-02-13: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added idea for a DFRPG book: Spellcastersβ Companion.
2021-02-07: Books we want: Character journal for DFRPG (plus TFT Deluxe Character Journal: A review): My local gamer culture has always seemed to focus on the term “character form” instead of “character sheet”, but I know many people use the latter, as do the GURPS/DFRPG sheets that I discuss here. I updated my terminology to use “sheet”.
2021-02-07: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents: Added an idea linking the Graceful and Lithe talents to use of sign language.
2021-01-25: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added ideas for a DFRPG book on low-powered henchmen/junior delvers.
2020-12-11: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added a pack of printed character sheets (and/or other forms) as an idea for a DFRPG product.
2020-11-29: Tiny GURPS/DFRPG idea: A better Outdoorsman: Moved notes on beefing up Green Thumb in DFRPG to a new article.
2020-10-31: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added suggestion that a book on Expert Skills could cover lore skills as well, especially Hidden Lore.
2020-10-22: Dungeon Dining: Exotic Eats and Remarkable Rations for Fantasy Travelers: Tweaked the Fancy foods mod and effects of orc rations a bit.
2020-10-08: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Moved these edit notes to the end of the page. Added notes on slings throwing odd-sized things.
2020-10-06: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added a few published weapons to the tables, for ease of comparing my new weapons with existing ones. Note: A closer read of Low-Tech reveals that its atlatl darts are not the same as throwing darts; DFRPG specifies that the two are the same. May need to muck around with that.
2020-09-30: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Changed article title. Added bonus fun (?) feature for a DF encounters book.
2020-09-14: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added ideas for How to Be a GURPS GM 2: When and how to let players make plot and world-building decisions, including through existing mechanics like impulse buys.
2020-09-03: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added suggestion that a DF gear catalog list all βprice discountβ perks. Also tweaked text to hew to SJGβs use of terms βlineβ, βseriesβ, βsub-seriesβ, βbookβ, etc., as outlined here.
2020-08-30: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added note on the new Dungeon Fantasy Career Guide!
2020-08-26: Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG): Added note that a Power-Ups: Techniques supplement should definitely delve into non-combat-skill techniques, and could explore the idea of handling optional skill specialties using the techniques mechanism.
2020-08-26: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Boosted range and ST for thrown arrows and bolts, added the option for hurling these projectiles with an atlatl, and added several notes on atlatl/woomera usage in general.
2020-07-22: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents: Added talents Underworld Gift and Underworldly for weird tunnel-crawling freaks like pallid troglodytes, eyeless cave lurkers, and delvers.
2020-05-11: 31 reasons why you want to pick up Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (and fast!): Link to above TL; DR summary broke somewhere along the way. Fixed now
2020-04-29: Books we want: An updated GURPS LITE: Added small note that βgoatβs footβ should be dropped from LITE entirely to save space, and that weapon damage stats, if listed on one line, should place thr before sw.
2020-04-10: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Removed a wayward ST score from the woomera.
2020-04-09: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons: Added two more weapons: arrows and crossbow bolts thrown with Thrown Weapon (Dart) skill.
2020-03-03: Dungeon Dining: Exotic Eats and Remarkable Rations for Fantasy Travelers: Added notes on foods and scent. Clarified that Tidy foods carry no scent issue. Renamed βFlavorfulβ foods as βFancyβ.
2019-07-15: Three new talents for GURPS/DFRPG: Graceful, Lithe, and Life of the Party: This article originally had two talents, Graceful and Life of the Party. Now there are three, as one was a poor buy in DFRPG (containing several skills not found in the game). With that split into two versions, here are three talents for use in the games.
2019-06-02: RPG reality check: Are falls deadly enough in GURPS?: Noted good argument from the comments that +100% damage mimics the real-life data nicely.
2019-03-19: 31 reasons why you want to pick up Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (and fast!): Added TL; DR summary at end.
2019-03-17: 31 reasons why you want to pick up Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (and fast!): Updated text to reflect the happy news that the project has funded!
2019-03-16: 31 reasons why you want to pick up Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (and fast!): Added a few nice βpull quotesβ in the text, and began a list of handy links at bottom of page. Please suggest more!
2019-01-14: Tiny GURPS/DFRPG idea: A better Outdoorsman: Added notes on Outdoorsman in Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, and on other talents of use to outdoor types.
2019-01-14: Dungeon Fantasy RPG Character: Leonidas of Nemea, Cat-Folk Barbarian: Added note on tweaking the Outdoorsman talent.
2018-11-22: Dungeon Fantasy RPG: The Notes (Part IV): Added observation that the pre-generated PCs with two examples each are the βclassicβ FRPG foursome of cleric, knight, thief, and wizard.
2018-10-17: Dungeon Fantasy RPG: The Notes (Part IV): Modified the brief comment on how Sense of Duty works in DFRPG, to correctly reflect that fact that GURPS also suggests GM override of player actions for this disadvantage (if in a more limited way).
2018-10-13: Unasked-for silliness: A GURPS logo: Minor changes, to swap the locations of the pyramid and the die spots, and add a touch of color.
2018-04-26: Dungeon Dining: Exotic Eats and Remarkable Rations for Fantasy Travelers: Added an effect to a steady diet of gnomish bulking rations: free +1 Lifting ST!
2018-02-08: The Talented Thief: Stealing the Spotlight in GURPS and DFRPG: Added short note to point out that buying multiple 5-point talents instead of fewer 10- or 15-point talents carries a secret benefit: you get to nab more Reaction Bonuses or Alternative Benefits!
2017-08-05: Gaming Tips: Taking your chances on 3d6: Added quick internal links (a few short paragraphs below) before the boring stuff, for those who want to skip probability tables and jump to the conclusions. Whether youβre a GURPS GM or a player entirely new to the system, youβll find a fast and convenient summary of what 3d6 and dice mods mean for chances of success.
2017-08-03: Books we want: An updated GURPS LITE: Added the discovery that LITEβs weapon list lacks a rock. Also added a substantial section on the many more goodies that the older LITE for 3e, a veritable worker of miracles in 32-page format, used to offer players. (Including that rock.)
2017-05-10: Dungeon Fantasy: The Musical! (feat. Bards): Added note: “To accompany your minstrels, would you like some well-crafted, delicious adventure seeds? Try these instead!”
2017-05-06: Dungeon Fantasy: The Musical! (feat. Bards): Added note: “Thereβs a nice forum thread on the Musical Composition and Musical Instrument skills here. A future Bards author would probably get some good ideas from that!”
Edits by article (going back to 2017 or so)
31 reasons why you want to pick up Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (and fast!)
2020-05-11: Link to above TL; DR summary broke somewhere along the way. Fixed now
2019-03-19: Added TL; DR summary at end.
2019-03-17: Updated text to reflect the happy news that the project has funded!
2019-03-16: Added a few nice βpull quotesβ in the text, and began a list of handy links at bottom of page. Please suggest more!
A mini review: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves
2023-07-23: Added note on the tendency for backstabs to become swings in Dungeon Fantasy.
A modest proposal: Friendlier character trait blocks in GURPS
2024-08-14: Added a proposal for more useful blocks of monster (or other NPC/critter) traits (see “Sizing up the competition”).
2021-07-22: Added notes (toward end) on making other content β namely, lists of modifiers β easier to scan.
Books we want: An updated GURPS LITE
2024-10-13: A light refresh, mainly to add short thoughts at the end on what LITE even means for a game-building toolbox.
2021-08-10: The current version of LITE carries a date of March 2020 – a big jump forward from the then-current 2004 edition that I based this article on! That said, I don’t see any actual difference in the content, at least for any of the topics addressed. As of now, all of my wishes for LITE remain unchanged.
2020-04-29: Added small note that βgoatβs footβ should be dropped from LITE entirely to save space, and that weapon damage stats, if listed on one line, should place thr before sw.
2017-08-03: Added the discovery that LITEβs weapon list lacks a rock. Also added a substantial section on the many more goodies that the older LITE for 3e, a veritable worker of miracles in 32-page format, used to offer players. (Including that rock.)
Books we want: Character journal for DFRPG (plus TFT Deluxe Character Journal: A review)
2021-02-07: My local gamer culture has always seemed to focus on the term “character form” instead of “character sheet”, but I know many people use the latter, as do the GURPS/DFRPG sheets that I discuss. I updated my terminology to use “sheet”.
Books we want: How to Be a GURPS Player
2023-06-19: Added link to an example of a nice one-page fan resource for onboarding new players, The GURPSICLE (A One-Page GURPS Game Aid / Cheat Sheet)
Books we want: The big list of everything (GURPS/DFRPG)
2023-10-07: Added short note on Code of Honor as an interesting topic to cover in a Power-Ups book on player-defined mental constraints.
2023-08-02: In wishes for the Dungeon Fantasy line, noted that a) the wished-for Thieves book has dropped, and that b) a book on gear and services would be the perfect place to outline what agents, fences, smugglers, and the like would charge PCs for their services.
2023-05-18: Added specific wish for more monster class books in the Dungeon Fantasy Monsters series.
2023-04-25: Added thoughts on the potential content of a future Companion 4 for DFRPG.
2023-04-13: Added wish for more figures for DFRPG (especially figures for all published monsters), and thoughts on the odd incompatibility between map and counter sizes in DFRPG/GURPS and in TFT.
2022-04-02: Added wish for book of gear for DFRPG.
2022-03-09: Added wish for books of maps, for both GURPS and DFRPG.
2021-08-10: Noted that Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 4: Two-Page Dungeons has addressed one wish with the delivery of five mini dungeons.
2021-05-07: Added idea for Banestorm: Introduce a new continent or other new realms in an updated book.
2021-02-13: Added idea for a DFRPG book: Spellcastersβ Companion.
2021-01-25: Added ideas for a DFRPG book on low-powered henchmen/junior delvers.
2020-12-11: Added a pack of printed character sheets (and/or other forms) as an idea for a DFRPG product.
2020-10-31: Added suggestion that a book on Expert Skills could cover lore skills as well, especially Hidden Lore.
2020-09-30: Changed article title. Added bonus fun (?) feature for a DF encounters book.
2020-09-14: Added ideas for How to Be a GURPS GM 2: When and how to let players make plot and world-building decisions, including through existing mechanics like impulse buys.
2020-09-03: Added suggestion that a DF gear catalog list all βprice discountβ perks. Also tweaked text to hew to SJGβs use of terms βlineβ, βseriesβ, βsub-seriesβ, βbookβ, etc., as outlined here.
2020-08-30: Added note on the new Dungeon Fantasy Career Guide!
2020-08-26: Added note that a Power-Ups: Techniques supplement should definitely delve into non-combat-skill techniques, and could explore the idea of handling optional skill specialties using the techniques mechanism.
Daily Houserule tweets: January 2023
2023-09-03: Clarified details of sling/prodd ammo and the Balanced and Fine mods.
DFRPG resource: Questions and answers!
2025-01-26: Added lots of unanswered questions to the end of the page. With many more still to come.
2024-10-02: Added a small handful of trivial rules items to discussion of differences between DFRPG and GURPS.
2024-08-02: Added short Q&A on where to buy all DFRPG products.
2024-07-28: Added question on whether silver-coated weapons negate werewolf DR.
2024-07-17: Added list of links to those hard-to-find extra characters, spells, etc. published early in DFRPG‘s life.
2024-02-07: Added notes on differences between DFRPG and GURPS, note on DFRPG errata, and supremely trivial note on style (FYI, official style is “the DFRPG“, not my insistent “DFRPG“).
2023-04-20: Updated links to resources detailing the differences between GURPS and DFRPG.
2023-03-13: Added info to Is Defending Weapon/Shield enchantment a really bad deal compared to a Deflect enchantment? and moved it to answered questions.
2022-08-06: Do the active defense scores of published DFRPG characters have shield DB figured in?
2022-04-05: Suggested specific times for normal and hurried weapon envenoming.
2022-02-19: Answered question about whether a caster knows the cost to cast Command (Spirits) in advance. (In short: The question was misguided, and the right answer would seem to be “yes, of course.”)
2021-10-06: Added more Q&A. (Several un-noted updates exist before this as well.)
2021-08-31: What are the differences between DFRPG and GURPS?
2021-08-17: How can I shoot 2+ arrows at once?
DFRPG resource: Wizardly Spell List
2021-07-12: Added thoughts on the worthiness of Magery 0 discount spellcasters.
Dumping out the loot sack: More rules and tools for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy thieves
2023-11-13: Added short bit noting that “Combat Writ Large”, Pyramid 3/77 addresses some aspects of the business of climbing up big beasts.
2023-10-01: Moved all technique-based power-ups to their own new page, GURPS/DFRPG resource: New technique-based advantages.
Dungeon Dining: Exotic Eats and Remarkable Rations for Fantasy Travelers
2022-07-25: Added notes on which foods are “special order” goods.
2020-10-22: Tweaked the Fancy foods mod and effects of orc rations a bit.
2020-03-03: Added notes on foods and scent (just a few paragraphs below). Clarified that Tidy foods carry no scent issue. Renamed βFlavorfulβ foods as βFancyβ.
2018-04-26: Added an effect to a steady diet of gnomish bulking rations: free +1 Lifting ST!
Dungeon Fantasy RPG Character: Leonidas of Nemea, Cat-Folk Barbarian
2019-01-14: Added note on tweaking the Outdoorsman talent.
Dungeon Fantasy RPG: The Notes (Part IV)
2018-11-22: Added observation that the pre-generated PCs with two examples each are the βclassicβ FRPG foursome of cleric, knight, thief, and wizard.
2018-10-17: Modified the brief comment on how Sense of Duty works in DFRPG, to correctly reflect that fact that GURPS also suggests GM override of player actions for this disadvantage (if in a more limited way).
Dungeon Fantasy: The Musical! (feat. Bards)
2025-03-10: In the section on magic, added a long-forgotten wish for a bespoke bardic spell list, not simply spells from selected colleges. Or even a wholly new approach to bardic magic, not based on wizardly magic.
2017-05-10: Added note: “To accompany your minstrels, would you like some well-crafted, delicious adventure seeds? Try these instead!”
2017-05-06: Added note: “Thereβs a nice forum thread on the Musical Composition and Musical Instrument skills here. A future Bards author would probably get some good ideas from that!”
Game design musing: Meeting weapon ST requirements (GURPS/DFRPG)
2025-03-27: Slight rewording to clarify that the humongous club is a two-handed weapon. (Which further highlights the weirdness of rules that proclaim Mamie Q’s BL 88 too weak to wield the club even with two hands…)
2024-07-18: Added an Appendix with another example of oddities under the rules as written.
2022-05-28: Added notes on how the rule would affect pre-generated characters from DFRPG Companion 3.
2022-01-06: Added note that repricing Striking ST to [4] means changing the cost of DFRPG‘s Mantis Strike; suggested related tweaks to the trait.
Game design musing: New Damage for ST (GURPS)
2025-02-20: Added downloadable spreadsheet versions of the damage table.
2023-05-30: A substantial update to, and renaming of, the old “Rules Bit: New Damage for ST”. Revised with less cruft, more important stuff, and prettier tables.
Game design musing: Notes on ST in GURPS
2023-06-07: Added to list of ways ST is unlike other attributes (affinity for fractional scores, etc.).
Game design musing: Simplifying ST-based thrust and swing damage (GURPS)
2022-08-29: Added notes on how the article’s idea does away with unequal thrust-vs-swing damage bonuses for traits like Weapon Master and Power Blow.
Gaming Tips: Taking your chances on 3d6
2017-08-05: Added quick internal links (a few short paragraphs below) before the boring stuff, for those who want to skip probability tables and jump to the conclusions. Whether youβre a GURPS GM or a player entirely new to the system, youβll find a fast and convenient summary of what 3d6 and dice mods mean for chances of success.
GLAIVE Mini: Weapon Builder System for GURPS
2025-03-21: Added a bit of commentary on building the monk’s spade β particularly, the idea of treating it as balanced.
2024-03-10: More worked-out weapon builds (two-handed axes, two-handed swords, jo, etc.) and associated commentary.
2023-12-22: No change to the PDF, but the web page’s Appendix gets more weapon builds, ideas for potential new mods, and other commentary.
2023-12-02: Updated GLAIVE Mini to v2.4. The change: The Modifier Table now divides its mods into logical categories (Balance, Length, etc.), making the right mods easier to spot and apply. Also updated the GLAIVE Mini webpage with an Appendix that lists some new GLAIVE (re)designs and potential future changes to the system.
GURPS/DFRPG resource: New perks
2023-08-05: Added Bestial Wariness perk.
GURPS/DFRPG resource: New Talents
2023-09-16: Created an entry for an earlier-suggested revised version of Pickaxe Penchant (adding Polearm to Pickaxe Penchant, and moving Prospecting to a separate Talent focused on IQ-based crafting and mining).
2023-01-22: Added the Talents Dwarfcraft, Gnaturally Gifted, Gnomish Siege Engineer, and Homebody, and suggested a revised Widget-Worker Talent.
2022-12-04: Added the Feline Grace Talent.
2022-02-18: Removed Reaction Bonus and mention of Alternate Benefit from Underworldly talent; those aren’t proper DFRPG components for talent-based advantages of this sort.
2022-01-15: Broke off the Underworld Gift variant designed for use with GURPS Underground Adventures, turning it into the unique talent Underground Adventurer. (That makes three underground talents: Underworld Gift for GURPS, Underground Adventurer for GURPS with Underground Adventures, and Underworldly for DFRPG.)
2021-05-10: Added Closer to Hell talent.
2021-02-07: Added an idea linking the Graceful and Lithe talents to use of sign language.
2020-07-22: Added talents Underworld Gift and Underworldly for weird tunnel-crawling freaks like pallid troglodytes, eyeless cave lurkers, and delvers.
GURPS/DFRPG resource: New technique-based advantages
2024-04-12: Fixed the Booster advantage to improve “ST rolls”, not “ST-based Climbing rolls.”
2024-03-12: Added many new advantages: Booster, Pack Runner, Flail-Safe Block, Flail-Safe Parry, Deer Walker, Firestarter, Trackless, Closing Speaker, Tactical Hand Signaler.
2023-12-02: Added new Fall Guy advantage and many new riding- and mounted combat-related advantages. Also organized advantages into categories for easier selection.
GURPS/DFRPG resource: New weapons
2025-02-16: Upgraded the ranges of the mini and light throwing darts to x1/x2 and x1.5/x2.5, a bit closer to the regular throwing dart’s impressive range.
2025-01-28: A new weapon: the mini throwing dart! (Smaller than even the light throwing dart, the mini is still bigger than a pub dart β if not by much.)
2025-01-24: A new weapon: the light javelin! This spindly spear is modeled after the slim weapons used by hunters of small game. Stats cover melee, thrown, and spear-thrower use.
2025-01-17: Added very short note on whether the short combat shovel might better use sw cut/cr dam, not sw+1 cut/cr.
2024-06-08: Added short notes on building a 2-lb light mace, and on a consistent naming scheme for axe, pick, and mace variants.
2023-10-12: The table heading SPEAR THROWER was mislabeled THROWN WEAPON (AXE/MACE). Oops. Fixed.
2023-09-03: Clarified details of sling/prodd ammo and the Balanced and Fine mods.
2023-06-27: Added note on using sling stones as ammo for prodds.
2023-06-15: Added thrust attack options to combat shovels.
2023-06-11: More combat shovels! Folding ones, too! Also, ST for a spear used two-handed was wrong. Fixed.
2023-06-04: Boosted max range for atlatl-hurled arrows and bolts by a bit. Added note on the pointlessness of the blackjack as a weapon. A bigger change: On weapon tables, when entries follow some logical order (like Light Throwing Dart, Throwing Dart, and Heavy Throwing Dart), I’m using that order instead of strict alphabetical order. Sorry, I just prefer it that way.
2023-06-03: New crossbows: the light crossbow and the one-handed pocket crossbow! Plus many related notes on crossbow ST, number of hands, conversion to prodds, and more.
2023-06-02: The new melee heavy pick should be 4 lbs, not 5 lbs (it’s based on the 4-lb axe). Fixed.
2023-05-29: Added more one-handed pick sizes for melee β plus throwing picks!
2023-04-14: Added notes and a table for thrown sticks, covering the existing boomerang and throwing stick plus two new options: thrown baton/short staff and thrown unshaped stick.
2023-01-16: Changed cost of light harpoon from $50 to $55. Suggested general procedure for converting existing thrown spear weapons into harpoons: Start with existing stats, limit Acc to 2, add $10 for barb and tether, and change skill to Thrown Weapon (Harpoon).
2022-07-18: Added notes on atlatl dart stats.
2022-04-05: Added heavy saber, giving users of Saber skill a second weapon (with a bit more punch).
2021-08-17: Added new light throwing dart, for hand-held and atlatl use. Added notes on spear throwers and Bulk.
2021-07-15: Expanded thoughts on Two-Handed Axe/Mace skill and saber weapons β including the idea of a heavy saber that falls between the saber and cavalry saber.
2021-07-09: Added additional thoughts on a few weapons and weapon skills that arguably fall short of alternatives.
2021-06-07: Added thoughts on katanas.
2021-05-13: Added light maul.
2021-03-14: Reduced damage for a thrown arrow to thr-3 imp, upon realizing that my earlier thr-2 imp made the spike shuriken nearly obsolete.
2020-10-08: Moved these edit notes to the end of the page. Added notes on slings throwing odd-sized things.
2020-10-06: Added a few published weapons to the tables, for ease of comparing my new weapons with existing ones. Note: A closer read of Low-Tech reveals that its atlatl darts are not the same as throwing darts; DFRPG specifies that the two are the same. May need to muck around with that.
2020-08-26: Boosted range and ST for thrown arrows and bolts, added the option for hurling these projectiles with an atlatl, and added several notes on atlatl/woomera usage in general.
2020-04-10: Removed a wayward ST score from the woomera.
2020-04-09: Added two more weapons: arrows and crossbow bolts thrown with Thrown Weapon (Dart) skill.
GURPS Metric
2025-01-18: Added a download link for the original .xhtml file, missing since… oh, 2007. How’s that for customer service?
GURPS Range Ruler launched on Warehouse 23!
2024-10-13: Added tips and tricks on going hex-free with the Range Ruler.
2024-08-24: Updated link (change from old e23.com to warehouse23.com); added links to external sources of info on the Range Ruler.
GURPS resource: New techniques
2023-09-19: Added Blade Sharpening technique.
2023-09-19: Added Tumbling technique.
2023-09-17: Added Animal Walk technique.
2023-08-13: Added lots of techniques.
Now in Pyramid: GURPS Combat Options from the Games Diner
2024-08-27: Updated links within the article (including link to the Pyramid issue in question).
RPG reality check: Are falls deadly enough in GURPS?
2021-02-18: Further edited article to emphasize +100% damage as the pro-realism solution.
2019-06-02: Noted good argument from the comments that +100% damage mimics the real-life data nicely.
Rules Bit (GURPS): A Better Cost for ST and HP
2023-05-13: A pretty big update, featuring spiffy new tables and the removal of much detritus.
2021-11-02: Updated Designer’s notes to address later article Game design musing: GURPS swing vs thrust damage: Whatβs the difference?, which explores the topic of an ideal ratio of sw to thr damage.
2013-05-09: Added consideration of Lifting ST, Striking ST, and HP.
2008-02-09: Published ST cost suggestion lifted from GULLIVER for 3e.
Rules Bit (GURPS): Grazes
2023-11-20: Added the nitpicking observation that the rule’s suggested +2 resistance against non-damage effects on a grazing hit could be changed to +3 to match the p. B378 bonus to resist similar effects when Half Damage range is an issue.
2023-04-22: Major update to this old rules option. I set simpler conditions for determine a grazing blow, simplified basic effects, added new optional effects, and expanded discussion of how the rule deliberately creates effects different from those of a low damage roll or the cinematic “flesh wounds” option.
Rules Bit (GURPS): Throw Like You Mean It
2022-06-09: Added note on Uwe Hohn’s famous javelin throw, and note that boosting distance for skill makes sense for Bolas, Lasso, Sling, and Spear Thrower skills, in addition to Throwing and Thrown Weapon skills.
Star Frontiers to GURPS 4e conversion notes
2024-09-22: Big clean-up of outgoing links; light refreshing of text.
2009-07-30. Some clean-up.
2006-11-23: Updated for new site and for GURPS 4e. (Forgive any bits that still betray 3e origins…) Credit: Dralasite notes enhanced with comments by Art Wendorf.
1997-??-??: Page created. Itβs the oldest thing on this site!
STROLL: ST rolls that work in GURPS
2024-10-12: Added a brief look at how the STROLL Table isn’t even necessary; any ST Roll is easy to calculate on the fly. (See “Go Table-free!” in Appendix 2.)
2023-05-15: The discussion on weight-related mods to rolls referred to “Weight Mod” as “ST Mod” in a couple of spots. Fixed.
2023-05-04: STROLL gets a new table! I added a table showing ST Roll and ST Mod (which is just ST Roll – 10, but hey, sometimes you don’t feel like doing even that much math in your head). I also enhanced the example of using Weight Mod and ST Mod to modify a skill (Stealth).
2023-04-27: In section on using STROLL to measure wielder ST against weapon ST, added note on whether to use Striking ST or Lifting ST.
Summary of ways to handle power-vs-weight in GURPS creatures
2024-09-02: Light update (no substantial changes).
Swarm of observations: Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
2021-09-07: Added observation on the value of carving knives from karkadann horns.
The Talented Thief: Stealing the Spotlight in GURPS and DFRPG
2024-07-15: Added suggestion for thieves: focus on grenades, nets, and other weapons that don’t rely on high ST-powered damage.
2022-12-01: Added note on the ease of improving thieves’ combat skills for just a few points.
2018-02-08: Added short note to point out that buying multiple 5-point talents instead of fewer 10- or 15-point talents carries a secret benefit: you get to nab more Reaction Bonuses or Alternative Benefits!
Three new talents for GURPS/DFRPG: Graceful, Lithe, and Life of the Party
2019-07-15: This article originally had two talents, Graceful and Life of the Party. Now there are three, as one was a poor buy in DFRPG (containing several skills not found in the game). With that split into two versions, here are three talents for use in the games.
Tiny GURPS/DFRPG idea: A better Outdoorsman
2020-11-29: Moved notes on beefing up Green Thumb in DFRPG to a new article.
2019-01-14: Added notes on Outdoorsman in Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, and on other talents of use to outdoor types.
Unasked-for silliness: A GURPS logo
2018-10-13: Minor changes, to swap the locations of the pyramid and the die spots, and add a touch of color.
What’s interesting about roleplaying games
2022-07-16: Added thought on whether the development of RPGs was “inevitable.”
New content (from 2021)
2023-12-22: GLAIVE Mini levels up to v2.4
2023-10-01: GURPS/DFRPG resource: New technique-based advantages
2023-07-23: Dumping out the loot sack: More rules and tools for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy thieves
2023-06-16: A bunch of new content for GURPS, etc.
2023-06-15: Game design musing: Easiest-ever, zero-math βweight-to-powerβ factor for characters (GURPS)
2023-06-11: A mini review: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves
2023-05-31: Coming for DFRPG: Artifacts of Legend
2023-05-30: Update to new damage for ST
2023-05-14: Update to alternate cost progression for ST
2023-04-25: The least of Kickstarters: DFRPG Monster Seeds
2023-04-22: Update to rules for grazes
2023-04-18: Game design musing: Notes on ST in GURPS
2023-04-08: Unasked-for silliness: Some gaming βhumorβ
2023-03-31: GURPS resource: ST Monster Table
2023-03-19: STROLL: ST rolls that work in GURPS
2023-02-19: Twelve pages of “Daily Houserule tweets” collecting a year’s worth of Twitter entries on GURPS and DFRPG. See an overview and links to all pages at Caged: A year of GURPS and DFRPG tweets.
2022-03-06: What’s interesting about replaying games?
2022-02-10: A year of daily GURPS tweets: #DailyHouserule (GURPS/DFRPG)
2022-01-14: Game design musing: Simplifying ST-based thrust and swing damage
2021-09-01: Game design musing: GURPS swing vs thrust damage: Whatβs the difference?
2021-07-10: Games Diner Site Updates (this page!)
2021-07-09: Game design musing: Meeting weapon ST requirements (GURPS/DFRPG)
2021-06-22: Swarm of observations: Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
2021-06-13: DFRPG resource: Wizardly Spell List
2021-05-23: Grow a delver β fast! β for the best dungeon RPG out there
2021-04-19: GURPS resource: New techniques
2021-02-02: Books we want: Character journal for DFRPG (plus TFT Deluxe Character Journal: A review)